
November Issue 2015

Publisher Picks Top 50 Colleges and Universities


In this issue of Hispanic Outlook we

• Present Our Annual Publisher’s Picks – the 50 Colleges and Universities Nationwide That Offer Outstanding Opportunities for Hispanic Students

• Introduce Pedro Rivera, Bringing a New Perspective to Pennsylvania Education as the State’s Head of the Department of Education

• Congratulate Ana Mari Cauce Watts Who Is the University of Washington’s First Latina President 

• Profile Dr. Alan Dettlaf, Who Leads the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Houston

• Look Through Our Latino Kaleidoscope to Explain the Importance of Language in the United States

• Go Completely Uncensored for the Latest Trends and News About Higher Education From a Washington Insider

• Take a Trip to the Scholars Corner and Meet Aahhe Member Erin E. Doran

• Begin Priming the Pump by Discussing How to Help Students Stay Focused

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