
William Ruiz Morales


Health Care July 2018 Premium

Communication Problems, Health Care

The coming years are going to be challenging for health care in the U.S. There is a multiplicity of new ideas that will question the accepted basis on which health institutions operate. There is also a clear political tendency against the Affordable Care Act, the cornerstone of the states’ current policy towards health care. Those ideas and political discussions will probably reshape not only the structure of the medical institutions but also our understanding of our parts as actors inside the health care system. A key point for tackling those possible changes will be our capacity as a society to develop communication strategies that allow a transparent understanding between the different actors in health care systems.

Financing May 2018 Premium

The Funding Paradox In Today’s Higher Education <b> by William Ruiz-Morales </b>

Last year, for the first time, 28 states in the U.S. reported that more than 50 percent of the funds of higher education institutions were generated from tuition and not from state or local funds.1 Also, even when state support has been increasing since the recession in 2008, this year’s growth was only 1.6 percent, the lowest in the past five years. These statistics among others are evidence of a tendency to withdraw taxpayers’ funds from universities especially public ones. The institutions that are more impacted are generally the ones more in need of those funds. The cuts in state funding tend to affect mainly public universities due to smaller endowments than private institutions.

Hispanic Community March 2018 Premium

Keeping Up With the Discussion Challenges for Academia in Times of the #metoo Movement by <b>William Ruiz-Morales </b/

Many have welcomed with great optimism the uprising of a long due public discussion about sexual harassment of women in our western societies. It is critical that the social media discussion can produce echoes in the main institutions of our society in order to produce an authentic transformative movement. And one of the fundamental institutions that should contribute is academia.